Breaking News
Monday 17 March 2014

Block Access To A Website Without Any Software

The world of web is studded with millions of websites. Among these heaps of sites we, the common mass want some sites to be restricted for our own benefit. Some websites may be fake while others may have to be restricted due to age issues. Parents want to restrict some websites dealing explicitly with adult contents for the betterment of their children.
We shall now discuss the need to restrict websites and then we will show you the way to do so even if the user is not at all experienced in the field of technical knowledge.

Circumstances which compel you to restrict various websites:

  • For the betterment of your child you want to prevent him from access of adult websites.
  • You may need to block a site in your professional world in which you have shared some private topics.
  • An individual wants to restrict websites full of deleterious programs.
  • You may find your child devoting lumps of time on chatting with strangers and thus ignoring their studies.
  • If you have enrolled yourself in the field of blogging its quite natural that you may want to restrict fraud clicks on your website.
The job is very easy and there are numerous software which you can find in the internet these days but why do we need to use a software which can be achieved by a simple and very easy trick of Windows, and this trick does the job even in a easier way than the use of software.

How to reach the goal?

  • Go to “Start” and then click on “Run” and type c: WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts and then click on “OK “. ( You can also manually navigate to the path from “My Computer”. Here “C:” indicates the root drive. If your is different then just replace with that )
  • Immediately after the first step is completed a window will open before you about selecting an application. There select “notepad and then click “OK “.
  • The completion of the former step will show you the hosts file open in text format. Carefully notice that there is a presence of a host IP and host name at the bottom the document.
  • Now at the end enter the unknown host IP and the corresponding URL that you want to restrict. For example if you want to restrict a website named, then type and the corresponding website and . You can do this on multiple websites following the same procedure, and eventually save the text file.
Now connect the internet and then try to open the restricted website. It would definitely not open. Your job is done without the help of any software.


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