Breaking News
Thursday 20 March 2014

Can 404 Pages be More than the Sum of their Parts?

Clicking on a broken link is something that irritates quite a few web users. Hoping that they had typed the right URL or were about to get the info they were looking for; they find that they’re confronted by a barely comprehensible message basically telling them what they already know. What usually shows up is an Error 404 page, a staple of many sites.

404 pages are, to a point, useful. They at least tell you what’s wrong, but in many cases, they can be a little on the plain side to look at. Realising this, a growing number of site owners and web designers are looking to change the face of these pages, using them to inform, entertain or perhaps do a bit of both.

Clicked into place

Every 404 page should usually have the following:
  • An apologetic-sounding message saying that the URL is wrong or the content has been removed
  • A link to the site’s homepage and, if there’s room, links to different categories
  • A search query to make it easier for visitors to find what they need
  • Some company branding to make it look more official
Aside from that, some 404 pages are being used to show memes, funny captions or come with unique text which deviates from the typical 404 formula. 404 pages are surprisingly important, so it pays to make something of them, whether it’s to put the viewer at ease or help soften your brand’s image by seeming a little more light-hearted.




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