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Tuesday 18 March 2014

Tips for Improving Visibility of Your Startup in Social Media

Social media can be helpful in many ways, it can help you in establishing your business on the online world because there are a lot of people who regularly engage in various social networking websites. It is difficult to make an impression on social media for startups. There are many articles published on the internet which tell how to improve the visibility of your business in social media, and I tried many of those tips but none was helpful. The truth is that you need to lay out a proper plan and implement it. Today in this post I am going to share some tips with you which will help you in improving the visibility of your startup in social media.

Create impressive Social Media Profiles

The first impression is the last impression. While creating social media profiles for your startup try to make it polished and personalized as we already mentioned that first impression is the last impression. Add the company logo to your profile and use the same logo at all the places. Even if you have created your social media profile keep reviewing it as these websites keep on bringing new modifications to the profile features. Check if the background added is suitable or not. If your profile is not well laid out there are chances that the visitor which is checking your profile right now might not visit back again.

Make a strong and intelligent network

At this point you might have created a beautiful profile. The next thing you need to do is make contacts with the people who already know about the network, who can help you in improving your visibility online. Once you are able to create a strong network online, you will be astonished with the results. Connections will help you to know what’s latest in the business and what people want from you. If you have created different social media profiles of your business but you are not expanding its network, people won’t come to know about you. Try to expand your network so that you can improve visibility of your startup.

Engage with focus, discipline and intent

This is one of the main reasons why many people fail in social media for building their online presence. Ask yourself if you really know what to do with these social media profiles? If not, then this is the main reason that you are failing in making online presence of your startup. One should have a list of all the activities which are related to his business which can be used on social media.
Few objectives which you should aim while improving online presence are:-
  • Interactions – communicating with the right people
  • Shares – When other person is sharing your content and is bringing more exposure
  • Profile Views – If more profile views are there then you will get more website visitors
  • Network Growth – Making more connections with other people, getting followers and fans
If you want to improve visibility of your startup on social media you need to follow all the above mentioned objectives. If you are just using content which is irrelevant to your business, then you won’t be achieving any success, so always use content which is as per your business and specifies it. Not on share your content but also share content of other people so that you can make followers, fans which will help you in creating a strong network.
If you are have a plan and if you are implementing it properly then there is no chance that you will fail in social media.


Social Media helps you in saving time as you just need a laptop and you can operate it from anywhere. Even if social media saves time, you need to be consistent and determined to achieve something and become successful. No one has become a pro in a week, you need to be consistent and keep on doing the good work. If you are not consistent then there are chances that you might not succeed, if you are not replying your clients on regular basis you might not able to create a good relationship with him/her. Regularly engage with your social media profiles, share content submitted on social media and also keep on interacting with them from time to time.


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