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Thursday 20 March 2014

Why You Must Move From Shared Hosting To VPS Hosting

Lot of netizens get confused while choosing web server for hosting their website. SO broadly there are two options available for newbies, which are of-course shared hosting or VPS Hosting. Today we compared Shared Hosting VS VPS Hosting for you. You can choose best hosting service by reading article.

What is Shared Hosting?

Shared hosting service refers to the hosting, which is being provided to you by the provider in a shared server. A server in which a large number of people host their website is called a shared server. On an average, a server can host at most 2000-5000 websites.

What is VPS Hosting?

Virtual Private Server hosting or VPS hosting acts as an interface between dedicated and shared hosting. It offers you to select your hardware, particular software and many more aspects. However, you will only be given a part of space in the dedicated server.

How to move from Shared to VPS hosting?

  • Step 1: The very first step is that you should transmit your primary domain account from shared hosting to VPS hosting account.
  • Step 2: The next step is the transmission of your old C-panel to new C-panel.
  • Step 3: Once you have accomplished the second step, you can proceed further with changing the name servers of your old domain to new name servers offered to you by VPS account provider.
  • Step 4: After this, you can make several number of accounts on the VPS hosting server under your package.

Why to move from Shared Hosting to VPS Hosting?

S.NoReasonsShared HostingVPS Hosting
1.PlatformAn easy Linux or Windows based server offers a fundamental type of file system.It contains numerous types of servers like Zen Linux, Windows, and Cloud Linux offering better managed file systems.
2.ResourcesThe accounts share all hardware with a soft monitoring, which is compulsory for the system software on account holders. There may be many websites on the server because of which the server may be overflowing with websites.Virtual private server has pre distributed disk space and has self-regulating memory, which is independent of other distributions on the system hardware. It provides superior monitoring services. Overflowing of websites is not a matter of concern here.
3.ChoicesIt is the authority of the hosting service provider to decide how to install Operating system and provide other services to the user.In case of Virtual private server hosting the user is provided with complete authority over the operating system and other services that he/she is willing to install in his/her hosting plan.
4.SecurityThere exists safekeeping issues in shared hosting as it facilitates numerous users to download and upload files from the system that might affect the operating system susceptibility.Virtual servers have diverse virtual self-regulating file systems for every user and are relatively safer than shared servers are. Its users are given the authority to maintain safe configurations.
5.Space and BandwidthIn shared hosting restricted space and bandwidth is facilitated to the user by the provider.VPS hosting providers enables huge bandwidth and huge spaces to its users.


By keeping in view the above-discussed reasons, we can clearly say that VPS hosting is most apt for huge and complex websites. The VPS server is safer in comparison with shared servers. VPS server is a virtual server that exists virtually. VPS hosting facilitates its customers to get the hardware and software of their package according to their needs.
The VPS hosting providers serves us 24 x 7. It provides help regarding any kind of support services and if needed you can even demand change of configuration at any time. So, if you own a website that is being visited by numerous visitors daily, you should move from shared hosting to VPS hosting by just seeking help for your provider.


  1. Initially I too began my website with shared hosting. Later when my website began to get more traffic, I instantly shifted to VPS hosting. Now I have more freedom and control over my website. I got best deals on shared hosting and VPS hosting from at low cost with 24/7 customer support. I am satisfied with their service.


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