Now a days Facebook pages business is on peak. Although Facebook does not allow buying/selling of Facebook pages yet there are hundreds and thousands of people involved in this business as Facebook pages have become a very active source of targeting audience and generating traffic as well as generating bucks. Many people are making money out of Facebook pages by selling traffic and/or by publishing paid links. Back to topic, sometimes when people transfer pages to you, they add a hidden manager that is not visible to you and after few days, they delete you using the powers of hidden manager and page become their property again. Many geeks call this method "hidden manager trick".
I am sharing this trick expecting people will use this trick for fair use such as saving their pages from hacking attempt i.e. if their Facebook account is compromised, they could at least recover their pages.
How to Create a Hidden Manager on Facebook Pages
- Create a new Gmail/Yahoo/Outlook email account or use any of your email address that is not linked with any Facebook account.
- Go to Your page > Edit Page > Manage Admin Roles and assign that email address as Manager
- click on Save, it will ask for password, enter your password. It may ask you to enter security code (captcha), enter that code too.
As there is no Facebook profile linked with that email, no new manager will appear on that Facebook page but once you create a Facebook account using that email address, it will appear as manager in that page. You can check your email, click on Join Facebook link.
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